Why Prepare for Contact?

Why Prep

If you would like to make contact with you or your child's genetic relatives, I believe preparation is the most important part. Mental preparation and education will help the process of connection go more smoothly and be more lasting. This course provides specific ways you can prepare.

Goals of Preparation

  • Create conscious intention around your desire for contact.
  • Create and manage expectations of the potential relationship.
  • Decide on a method of communication.
  • Negotiate appropriate boundaries between families.
  • Understand realities of managing multiple family membership for your child.
  • Create new extended family member scripts.
  • Examine genetic differences.
  • Prepare for genetic surprises.
  • Understand common emotional reactions and how to manage them.
  • Create a support system.
  • Attempt to avoid common pitfalls

Let's look at the steps involved in contact preparation.

Lesson Summary

Making contact with genetic relatives can be a complex process, but having proper preparation and education can help the process go more smoothly and be more lasting. This course outlines practical steps you can take to be prepared for a successful and lasting connection.
  • Create conscious intention around your desire for contact.
  • Create and manage expectations of the potential relationship.
  • Decide on a method of communication.
  • Negotiate appropriate boundaries between families.
  • Understand realities of managing multiple family membership for your child.
  • Create new extended family member scripts.
  • Examine genetic differences.
  • Prepare for genetic surprises.
  • Understand common emotional reactions and how to manage them.
  • Create a support system.
  • Attempt to avoid common pitfalls.

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